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Besides the exploration of a new operatic expression in the chamber opera, our repertoire is focused on the contemporary opera and its influence on the modern art. Discover the best performers and plays.


Besides the exploration of a new operatic expression in the chamber opera, our repertoire is focused on the contemporary opera and its influence on the modern art. Discover the best performers and plays.


Besides the exploration of a new operatic expression in the chamber opera, our repertoire is focused on the contemporary opera and its influence on the modern art. Discover the best performers and plays.

Dominica Boivin

 premiere on 20th april, 2018

On Stage


Your generous contribution will help us create exciting new works, sustain the quality of our dynamic performances and maintain our dance education and youth outreach programs. Don't miss the remainder of our 2017/18 Season.

Don’t miss this play!

Save the date for the Polish dance theatre! January 5th

A detail from a ballet
The Swan Lake

Suspendisse leo ex, finibus vel blandit sed, ultricies non dolor. Donec magna tortor, gravida et sem id, consequat accumsan tellus. Maecenas pulvinar elit lacinia. Vestibulum ipsum, a varius dolor volutpat

Ross Weaver / Producer

Cras ex enim, feugiat hendrerit consequat at, posuere in sem. Vestibulum vitae porttitor nibh. Nam eget ultricies risus. Nunc consectetur quam odio, malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in 2018/2019

James Franco / Producer

Upcoming events:



Permission to Speak – 20h

drama / brisbane powerhouse theatre



Hansel and Gretel – 18h

kids play / berlin national theatre



The Nutcracker – 16h

from 9 pm utill 11 pm including pause



Don Carlos

9 pm - 11 pm including pause



Permission To Speak

9 pm - 11 pm including pause



Little Red Riding Hood

9 pm - 11 pm including pause

Season discount.
Get your tickets.

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